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Filler Injections For Lip Augmentation


Your surgeon will most likely use topical anesthesia (painkiller applied directly to the lips) for injections. These are performed on an outpatient basis in your doctor's office or an outpatient center and you will be sent home the same day.

Here are the options:

* Artecoll is a synthetic material that plumps up the lips. Because it's synthetic, you are at higher risk of having an allergic reaction to it than if you got an injection of collagen or fat, but it lasts longer than either.

* Autologen is an injection of your own collagen, extracted from another place on your body. There's no risk of allergic reaction, however, the results are only temporary. This may be good for people who aren't ready to commit to a permanent result.

* Collagen can be extracted from cows and injected into the lips. There's a risk of allergic reaction, so it's best to have your surgeon give you a test dose before proceeding to the full dose. The results are temporary lasting 4 weeks to three months.

* Dermalogen is collagen extracted from deceased human donors. It's also called injectable Human Tissue Matrix. This is also a temporary fix, but your body should not reject it.

* Fascia injections use a specific type of connective tissue harvested either from your own body or from a deceased human donor. It can be implanted surgically or injected. The main drawback is that within a year of injection, your body will reabsorb the fascia.

* Fat from your own thighs or abdomen can be injected into your lips. There's no risk of allergic reaction and you may achieve permanent results. This can also be implanted surgically (see below).

* HylaForm is a material created from natural body substances. There's no risk of infection, but you will need repeated treatments to maintain the result as it's only a temporary fix.

* Restylane is a clear gel. It contains hyaluronic acid, which naturally occurs in humans, so there's little chance for an allergic reaction. It's biodegradable, so your body will absorb it within about six months of the injection.