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Dermatology Staff Salaries:

Staffing is the highest expense item for most dermatology practices, often comprising more than 50% of total practice overhead.

%2E%2E%5CSA%5CHTML%5Cimages%5Cthumbs%5CSA10%5FDermStatsTabletif%2EjpgVia Skin & Aging Journal. The staff salary national averages in this issue of Skin & Aging were drawn from The Health Care Group�s 2006 Staff Salary Survey. In the fourth quarter of 2005, questionnaires were mailed to more than 9,000 medical practices nationwide and 739 practices responded, including 49 dermatology practices. Those dermatology practices supplied 565 different staff salaries. The complete 2006 Staff Salary Survey, with more staff categories and additional results, is organized by staff position, geographic region and metropolitan statistical area.