Medical Spa MD

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Offer custom teeth whitening at your medical spa.

We were approched by a company providing custom teeth whitening trays for companies and organizations as fund-raisers and asked if we'd allow them to sell wholesale teeth whitening kits to our Members as a Medical Spa MD Select Partner.

This would allow you to provide a custom teeth whitening service directly from your laser clinic or dermatology practice and be able to levergage the buying power of the entire Medical Spa MD physician community.

We've tentatively said yes.

The process would be straightforward and simple. You'd offer custom teeth whitening as a service to your existing clientielle. Your staff would take a mold of a clients teeth, send it off pre-paid, and in around 72 hours a custom tray and tooth whitening kit would be returned to your clinc. Your patient could come back in to pick this up, or for an additional fee you could send it directly to their home.

The cost is still being worked on but it should be viable at about 1/3 the cost that dentists are currently charging for this service. What you charge for this would be up to you but since this is a customized service I would expect it to be at least as profitable as an average clinics skin care sales.

If you're a medspa or cosmetic practice interested in getting a test run of this service, please contact us. We're looking to test this service before rolling it out and will offer a limited number of kits to medical practices at cost to get the kinks out of our processes.