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Venus Freeze Plus

Venus Concept recently launched their new anti-aging technology in the market, which is the Venus Freeze Plus. The company claims that the system is easy-to-use for the operator and it has more progressive safety features. Not only that, it is safe to use for the patients and allows comfort at the end of the procedure. The patient will also have no downtime at the end of the treatment.

But the reviews aren't all stellar from patients, many of which are paying up to $1,500. A number of review sites show satisfaction scores from patients to be in the low to mid 40 percentile which isn't fantastic and probably has some affect on word of mouth... Here's some more info:

The new system uses multi-polar radiofrequency (RF), proven to be safe. Compared to previous treatments, topical application may not be necessary after using the Venus Freeze Plus. It also has two applicators, a DiamondPolar (small) and an OctiPolar (large) great for focus areas. These applicators have sensors for feedback and monitoring.

In a recent study referenced below, it remarks that a previous research what it had reported regarding the effects of RF on the skin.

Drs. HK Kim, Min, Choi, and SH Kim noted in their study:

[It] is reported to be effected at reducing wrinkles and in the treatment of acne scars by increasing blood circulation and promoting collagen generation,[…]

The same study also goes in depth as to how RF affects pigmentation and skin tone. It was tested against low-level laser therapy and electroacupuncture. In the end, RF was successful in the study in producing a positive outcome on the skin, particularly in the left and right eye rims and the left cheeks.

This could mean that the RF on whichever procedure would not produce any detrimental dermatological effect on the patient’s face. Therefore, the Venus Freeze Plus would definitely benefit those who undergo treatment, and would see results better in the upper part of their face.

Study: Kim et al., 2016