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Hackers Breach UK Plastic Surgery Clinic

A high-profile plastic surgery clinic has said it is "horrified" after hackers stole data during a cyber-attack.

If you have celebrity clients, you're a potential target for hackers, and you're responsible for this information.

Here's the BBC story.

London Bridge Plastic Surgery (LBPS) said its IT experts and police found evidence of the breach.

A group claiming to be behind the breach said it had "terabytes" of data, the Daily Beast news site reported.

The alleged hackers, using the pseudonym The Dark Overlord, said they had obtained photos showing various body parts of clients, including genitals.

Some of these images have been sent to the Daily Beast.

The hackers also claimed that the data contained information on "royal families" and added that they planned to distribute the patient list and corresponding photos online.

"We are still working to establish exactly what data has been compromised," LBPS said in a statement.

"We are horrified that they have now targeted our patients."