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How To Reuse Your Clinic's Patient Reviews As Content

 Focus on how to be social, not how to do social.

“A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is – it is what consumers tell each other it is.” – Scott Cook, Founder, Intuit

You've spent a lot of time investing in getting your patients to leave some sort of review or comment. So, the question is, could you repurpose those reviews?

Yes, so long as it follows your country’s own personal health information (PHI) regulations, and that you get your reviewer’s consent to repost it in another platform then it should not pose any issue. Do know how PHI regulations work in your country before posting on your website or on social media.

Social Media Today has a list of 10 ways one you can post reviews other than your claimed listings and review websites but not all 10 are applicable for physicians. Instead, we will present the 5 ways you can repurpose your reviews into new content.

Marketing It

Marketing strategies are varying and changing; reviews are another way you can acquire patients over the internet. After all reviews do play a big role when patients choose a doctor. You can choose to market it in any way you choose. Your staff can hand out flyers or you can tweet a review from time to time.

Placing Reviews on the Website

You can use your patient’s reviews on your website. Many physicians have done that method also, and it helps having it on the website. It creates credibility, and you can place reviews strategically on your website. For example, you could put on the bottom part of your website or on the front page. Wherever you wish to put it, so long as it would be seen by new visitors. Special offer from Podium >

Adding them on Waiting Room Videos

You can add your reviews on waiting room videos to show to patients as they wait for their turn. Waiting room videos are not limited to the usual menu of services and promotional ad, and you can even display the review when you promote new services or the medical spa or aesthetic practice. After all, video marketing is all the rage now in digital marketing. Frontdesk Waiting Room Videos >

Putting them on your Email Signature

If you use your email as a way to confirm your patient’s appointments or for email marketing, you can use email as a way to sneak in reviews as well. Many companies use this strategy to add in a link on the signature. In this way, you are redirecting a person to your website as well. 

Posting them on Social Media

Social media is a great way to promote yourself or your medical spa but social media is somewhat restricting to physicians. You do not have to post about yourself all the time; you can promote your medical spa or your aesthetic practice.

As an alternative, you could display your reviews on your Facebook or Twitter header. It is recommended on Facebook header as you could post videos, and you could  as a slideshow when someone visits it on your Facebook. You can even use it on Twitter or on Snapchat or Instagram.

For medical spas or practices, it is important to have their reviews showcased on their websites. Podium will surely help you do that. Using this reputation management software, you are able to take control of all your reviews and able to respond to patients immediately. To learn more about how this software can help your medical spa, check this out.