The Next Frontier: Stem Cell Enhanced Treatments

What was once considered and debated as a highly controversial topic, stem cells are being looked at in a completely different light.

We've always known that the use of stem cells were the cutting edge of medical science, but only now has the non-aesthetic arena begun to recognize and promote to the consumer the advantages stem cells have in the aesthetic industry.

In the Northeast Winter-Spring edition of New Beauty Magazine, the use of fat-derived stem cells is discussed in terms our patients and future patients can understand. The article states that plastic surgeons long discovered that fat harvested from liposuction procedures contain a vast amount of stem cells. And, while this was commonly known by many, exactly how to extract those stem cells and apply them is the one controversial factor faced by practitioners. The success of stem cell transfer is highly dependent on the techniques use for harvesting and processing, and other additives applied such as epithelial cells and growth factors. In the article Dr. Renato Calabria states "it's not as easy as just taking some fat and putting it where it's needed. This is a multistep procedure that is technique-dependent."

Regardless, physicians are embracing this fountain of youth and are researching and experimenting various techniques and applications to promote fuller breasts and buttocks, smoother skin by reducing pore size, improved skin tone and clarity, and stem-cell enriched fat transfer face lifts to name a few, and consumers are beginning to seek out those physicians who are pioneering the practice.

If this is not a band wagon you are contemplating jumping on, it definitely should be an area of aesthetics you will want to follow. As the word is now reaching consumers, ten-to-one they will be presenting you with questions.

Paula D. Young RN runs internal operations and training at Young Medical Spa and is the author of the Medical Spa Aesthetics Course, Study Guide, and Advanced IPL & Laser Training course for medical estheticians and laser technicians.

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