Subscribing to Medical Spa MDs Content via Email

You can subscribe to any content on Medical Spa MD or MAPA and have it sent directly to your email, ensuring that you don't miss anything you're interested in.

Every time the thread or blog is updated you'll receive the content in your email automatically. That way, you'll be able to recieve the content you're interested in without the need to visit the site and see what's new. (Although that's a good idea from time to time so you can see if there's something new you're interested in.)

Make sure that you subscribe to the main blog so that you're aware of new updates to the site.

Here's the how to for subscribing as a member:

Subscribing To Individual Pages

(Blog, Archive, Library, etc.)

Members may subscribe to any content and have it delivered to them via email.

To subscribe to any page:

  1. Click on your name in the top right corner of the page.
  2. Click the Subscribe to Page Updates >

You will now receive updates to all the pages you subscribe to via email. You may subscribe to any page, comment thread or forum discussion.


Managing Your Page Subscriptions

To manage or remove a Subscription:

  1. Click on your name in the top right corner of the page.
  2. Click Edit Profile
  3. Click Subscriptions