Medical Spa MD

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Medspa MD: Contacting others by email.

At some time you may want to ask a question of someone who has commented on this site.

If the commenter has entered an email when they posted, you can use this site to send an email. The person contacted will receive an email from this site and can choose to reply or not. They (the person being contacted) will be able to see your email. You (the person sending the email) will not be able to see theirs. I've used this system to avoid troubles like spam bots scraping emails or personal attacks.

So to be clear, if you wish to be able to be contacted, just leave your email when you comment. Your email will never be made public but other will be able to contact you.

NOTE: Solicitations or complaints will be immediately removed and offenders will be blocked from accessing the site. If you're really bad you may elicit a post. Here's Medspa MD's spam and solicitation policy

To send an email through Medspa MD: 

  • Click on the name of the person you want to contact.

  • If they have entered an email: Click the 'Send Email' button.

That's it. It's completely at your own discretion as to whether you'd like to leave an email.

Remember: Be nice, or be gone