Botox And It's Effects On The Brain

Does paralizing the muscles used to frown actually effect the brain?

Here's some completely antecdotal findings that preventing people from physically frowning might actually have effects that make them happier. (Not scientifically validated of course.)

The facial feedback hypothesis states that facial movement can influence emotional experience. Charles Darwin was among the first to suggest that physiological changes caused by an emotion had a direct impact on, rather than being just the consequence of that emotion. Recently, strong experimental support for a facial feedback mechanism is provided through the use of Botox to temporarily paralyze facial muscles.

In a functional neuroimaging study, Andreas Hennenlotter and colleagues, Botox decreased activation of brain regions implicated in emotional processing and emotional experience (namely, the amygdala and the brainstem). These studies suggest that botox can dampen the ability to understand another's emotions, and they lend considerable support to Darwin's original notion.

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What Post-Neuromodulator Instructions Are Really Needed For Your Botox Patients

The most common instructions given to Neuromodulator injection patients post-treatment seems to be to avoid exercise, aspirin, and laying down for 4 hours. Every physician seems to have their own recommendatations, and none of them are the same.

Don't tie your shoes. Don't go bowling. Don't work out. Don't wear a hat. What?

I've heard physicians tell patients 4 hours, 12 hours, no sex tonight and everything in between. But it seems that if the Botox or Dysport has been injected correctly the outcomes are pretty much the same. In general you're probably well served by waiting a few minutes before you lie down or constirct the treatment area (wearing a hat) since the Botox very rapidly moves into the tissues. The window is proably quite short where the patient could affect the treatment in a negative way.

The one benefit of listing a whole slew of dont's is something of a CYA tactic (understandably) that gives you a little air-cover if the patient is unhappy in some way.

Happy to listen to opposing views.