Dr. Kavita Beri - Beri Esthetique, New Jersey

Dr. Kavita Beri of Beri Esthetique shares her experiences and her way of managing her practice and staff in our interview with the physician.

Dr. Kavita Beri - Beri EsthetiqueName: Kavita Beri MD
Clinic: Beri Esthetique
Location: New Jersey
Website: www.beriesthetique.com

Brief Bio: 

Dr Beri is the Medical Director and founder of Beri Esthetique Skin and Laser Medspa ( BE Skin & Laser) Dr. Beri is a board certified physician. She is the Medical Director and owner of Beri Esthetique Skin& Laser Med Spa. She also holds the position of Adjunct Professor of Biomedical & Tissue Engineering At Rutgers State University. She is also a Visiting Scientist at the Center for Dermal Research At Rutgers University. Dr. Beri is an Editorial Advisor to the Future Science OA Journals a leading group of journals in the field of regenerative medicine.

Her area of focus in research is with plant stem cells and their influence on epidermal stem cells leading to skin wound healing, anti-aging, and hair regeneration. She has contributed to extensively to scientific literature, publications, and presentations nationally as well as internationally. She is an avid practitioner of yoga and holds a keen interest in how Yogic and Vedic philosophy may guide scientific.

How did you consider aesthetic medicine in your practice?

Anti-aging physiology has always interested me since I was in medical school. Body healing mechanisms and its innate regenerative capacity fascinated me. My vision for Anti- Aging was always having a more holistic approach and facilitating the skin's regenerative capacity for healing. A more mind body and spirit approach to skincare and anti-aging. With this vision in mind I opened a medical practice that geared towards cosmetics but having a very regenerative and holistic approach to it. Aesthetic medicine has a very “feel good approach” and “instant gratification” aspect to it. But it is always important that this effect is not temporary when the service is provided and the client goes home with a feel good chance that they are proud and feel more satisfied with the results.

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