Learn from The Past - Prevent Embezzlement in Your Medical Spa

Embezzlement and theft news for medical practices often happen, so why is it rampant?

Whether or not your practice has been affected by a previous embezzlement or theft case, you need to be wary about the security of your finances and data.

These are some simple measures you can prevent embezzlement in your medical spa. To learn more about other cases of embezzlement and not become a victim of it, you can sign up for this free course in our Training Academy.

Submit Embezzlement & Employee Theft Stories From Your Medical Practice Or Clinic

medspa embezzlementUnfortunately, employee embezzlement and theft in cosmetic medical clinics is commonplace. We're going to help you with that.

We've posted about theft and embezzlement before. Read: Embezzlement & Employee Theft: It can, and probably will, happen to you.

We're building a new loss prevention report that will cover this area and provide you with just about every trick in the book including:

  • How common embezzlement schemes are set up and how these criminals cover their tracks.
  • How thieves steal Botox and injectables to supply their side business.
  • Credit card and payment scams at the front desk.
  • Treatment room cash payments.
  • Inventory and product theft in the back room.
  • Everything else...

To do this we're reaching out to you, our Members and readers, and asking for your help. If you have inside knowledge of a situation that involved embezzlement or theft, that you let us know by submitting your story and giving us all the gory details. (No identifiable information is required so you can tell the story anonymously if you wish.)

We're compiling these submissions as well as drawing on our own experiences and contacting embezzlement and loss prevention experts to produce a comprehensive blueprint for protecting your clinic and your business that will give you insight into how these scams work, and how you can prevent them.

If you have any thoughts on this topic or what we should include, please leave them in the comments below.

Embezzlement In Skin Clinics & Laser Centers

Did the $300 a patient handed to your receptionist to cover a photofacial go into the cash drawer... or the staffer's pocket?

American Medical News (1/17, Elliott) reported that medical office embezzlement "is common at medical practices, and experts say the risk is especially high at the beginning of the year."

This is because "patients are paying an ever-larger share of their medical expenses, and, with most deductibles resetting on the first of the year, a significant amount of cash may pass through staffers' hands."

Download the free, members-only report: Medical Spa Embezzlement & Employee Theft Scams

According to a survey released in November by the Medical Group Management Association, "nearly 45% of practice managers reported cash stolen before or after it was recorded on the books." For that reason, "prevention strategies are particularly important to minimize the risk because a business's insurance may not cover the entire loss, which can be significant."

As every physician running a clinic knows, embezzlement by staff is a problem... I'm going to put together some information on preventing embezzlement and finding embezzlers that will show you how to make sure this is not happening in your clinic and how to make sure that it never does.

Submit your own story about medical clinic embezzlement or theft here