Medical Spa MD: website seo -

Dr. Scott Shearer of Renaissance Clinique in Sweden was among the first to take me up on a website critique around SEO, content, structure and design.

Since we get a lot of inquires around online marketing and conversion, I'm planning to do these as something of a regular series that breaks down common mistakes and how to implement some simple tactics that will improve your search engine rankings and visibility, and your site's conversions.

If you've got any questions after watching the video, please post a comment and I'll try to answer it there, and address it in future videos. The goal is that these will start out fairly broadly, but get much more specific. After watching just a few you should be much better equiped to make better decisions that could really impact your business.

If you'd like your own site reviewed, please contact us and let us know. Include any specific questions you're looking to have answered and we'll address them.

Ah, almost forgot. I'm thinking of starting either a pocast, or a combination podcast/video series that might include live interviews and interaction in real time. This would be a first for sure. If you're a interested in that be sure to let us know as well. Also, I'm going to include all the links that we discuss in these videos as 'show notes' so that you'll be able to find anything we discuss.

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Free SEO Report for your medical spa or laser clinic website.

Free SEO report for your medical spa or plastic surgery website from Frontdesk SEO.

A free SEO website report from Frontdesk SEO lets you know how your website is ranking on the search engines.

Frontdesk SEO offers do-it-yourself search engine marketing software for businesses who want to use their existing staff—hence the 'frontdesk' monkier—to build search engine rankings, increase visibility for their potential patient population, and drive traffic locally.

Frontdesk has a free SEO report that can give you a feel for how well you're doing in the cut-throat competition online.

And, if you really want to dominate your local market, Frontdesk offers outsource SEO packages that unique, combining monthly phone interviews, press releases, social media, blogging and article distribution to give you some serious marketing power.