I Want To Be A Fibroblast!

medical spa md fibroblastWhat criteria is most important when choosing a treatment or technology to stimulate fibroblasts for skin rejuvenation?

Being a dermatologist focused on aesthetic treatment options for improving skin's condition  it's quality and overall appearance I clinically and scientifically overlook tons of different approaches.

Basically, and I think we can agree on this, many treatments try to target the fibroblast. Its about the stimulation of this branched tissue cell who's function is to maintain the structural integrity of connective tissues by continously secreting precursors of the extracellular matrix such as ground substance, a variety of fibers notably the reticular and elastic ones and cytokines.

The goal in many skin rejuvenation treatments is to activate and stimulate the fibroblasts... and there are countless strategies to do this: You might choose chemical peels, energy based devices such as non-fractionated or fractionated resurfacing lasers, intense pulsed light (IPL), infrared light or radiofrequency. One might think of dermal filler substances such as hyaluronic acid or – better – calciumhydroxylapatite (there are even publications on a stimulating effect botulinum toxin type a...). Further one might consider microneedling, dermabrasion, etc..

Or think about "newer" technologies such as platelet rich plasma, carboxytherapy, nitrogen plasma energy, kinetic HA (kinetic Hyaluronic Acid). And last but not least cosmeceuticals (this list is not exhaustive!!).

Which strategy to choose? It's actually very difficult to find way through this jungle!

I would like to encourage and activate the discussion here and ask for your opinion: What are the most important criteria for you when you do your choice? Is it about mangeability, about downtime, about scientific proof, about safety, about treatment protocols (such as e.g. multiple treatments), about clinical experience of other physicians, about availability, about the learning curve, about the deligability, about the costs?

What's your decision maker here?

Micro Needling: Collagen Induction Therapy

Collagen Induction Therapy & Micro-Needling

We used to offer Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT or Microneedling) way back in 2002 or so.

Patient reaction was mixed and we quickly learned that friends and family were best left in the waiting rooms since the actual treatment appears quite barbaric and medeval. The needles are bound to a wheel and since the don't go straight in and out they 'pull' on the dermis and sometimes have bits of flesh on them. Then there's the blood. It stops quickly but it can appear nasty.


CIT has been around for a while now so it's hardly something new (as medical spa or nonsurgical cosmetic treatments go), but it's possible that it has been gaining use. Perhaps there's demand to start a Collagen Induction Therapy user group on Medical Spa MD like those for Fractional CO2 lasers or Lumenis ActiveFX and DeepFX.

If you're and active CIT proponant or detractor please let us know here or start a user group if there's enough interest.

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