The New Member Forums: Cosmetic Lasers, Legal, Marketing + More

The new Medical Spa MD Member Forums are now open.

The old forums were becoming difficult to navigate to the information you might have been looking for. We've simplified them and put them entirely in their own section.

Now, there's one link in the main header above that says "Member Forums" instead of a drop down. That link takes you over to the forums and we've simplified the navigation there as well, removing all of the links above and replacing them with the various categories; clinical exchange, legal, marketing, and cosmetic lasers, IPL, and RF technologies.

There are something like 30,000+ comments. This should make it much easier to use the forums again to find answers and express opinions that both you and others can learn from.

As always:

  • You must be a Member to post a new comment or ask a question
  • You can identify yourself or remain anonymous
  • We regularly (daily) sweep the forums for spam and remove junk links and threads

The forums are an incredibly resource if you use them correctly. For example; ask very specific questions, not general "what should I do" fluff that no one could possibly answer. There are some threads that have more than 400 responses, and others that clinics use to deep-dive into very specific questions.

Take a look and ask your most pressing question. There are thousands of readers and members who just may have the answer to your question.

Take a second and ask the experts.

Cosmetic Lasers, User Groups & Clinical Exchange Forums

Medical Spa MDs forums are getting some TCL.

With tens of thousands of comments, the navigation menu had pretty much outgrown the the previous navigation and was bursting at the seams. The only way to really drill down and find information was to search, and that's somewhat clumsy since you have to know what you're looking for.

We spend the last couple of days and nights attempting to create a better system that allowed physicians to brows by topic as well as have access to holistic search functions. It's still in need of a little tweaking but we're letting you see it now.

Medical Spa MDs new forums are divided into four broad categories:

These changes to the forums combined with the new area for Medical Spa MD Select Parterns should allow you to navigate the site and find information that's relevant to your needs more easily... at least I hope so.

We'll try to manage the places that posts are found and move them to the appropriate location when we can. Of course there's a huge amount of overlap. I've included pretty much any fat removal treatment under the Bodyscupting & Liposuction forum for example. While it's not perfect, I think it's much better to have only a few forums that you can peruse.

If you haven't used the forums before, please do. We have a very active physician community who are very helpful. Many of the best threads on the site were started with physicians asking very specific questions around treatments, techniques, and other 'down in the trenches' queries.

If you would like to have a forum added or think we've missed something please let us know. If there's enough content or interest we'll add it.

Also, if you're a physician who has some great information or something to say on any topic, please submit it as a guest post and help everyone out.