Breast Fat Grafting Comes Of Age

The search for the ideal breast implant material has spanned everything from soy oil to paraffin. 

The current generation of silicone implants are one of the most studied medical implants in the world.  Despite the favorable safety profile, a sizeable percentage of women interested in augmentation surgery have sat on the sidelines.  There most cited concern is having something they consider unnatural in their body. 

At the recent American of Society Plastic Surgeons meeting in New Orleans,  fat grafting to the breast seems to have come of age.  Plastic surgeons have been using fat grafting to the breast for patients undergoing reconstructive breast surgery for several years now.  The original hesitations of using fat grafts for breast augmentation purposes have to do with the number of procedures necessary and the ability to read subsequent mammograms.  Both these issues are slowly being resolved.

Who is a candidate?

Most patients would prefer to have this procedure in one surgical procedure with one recovery.  Ideally, a perfect patient would want to increase their breast size from 1 to 1 1/2 cup sizes larger.  They would need to have a sufficient fat volume to be liposuctioned to provide enough material to graft.  People that are very athletic often would not have enough donor fat to be used. 

Who is not an ideal candidate?

Traditional augmentation is still best utilized for the very slim patient who wants to increase her breast size 1 1/2 to 2 cup sizes or more.  A breast implant would allow more shaping options to the breast particularly giving a patient more fullness in the superior portions of the breast.

There are still are remaining issues of the effectiveness of mammograms in patients that have had fat grafting to the breast.  Newer imaging technologies, or CT/MRI, may help resolve these issues.

Men & Their Path To Plastic Surgery

Men may not be as open to their bodies as women, but they have their own insecurities about appearance, especially when entering middle age.

At the last couple of years, plastic surgeons noticed an increase in the number of guys seeking their skills to improve their bodies.

What are the most common complaints among men when it comes to body image and the available surgeries to treat them?

Man boobs – Gynecomastia

Men as they age can develop fat around their chest, which results in the appearance of male breasts-known in the medical language as gynecomastia.

According to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), 40 to 60 percent of men suffer about this issue. Liposuction or cutting the excess glandular tissue is the key.

The Beer Belly

This condition can be caused by an intake of too many calories from alcohol or simply of genetics. When diet and / or exercise aren’t working to shrink the belly may liposuction will be the way to remove the excess fat.

ASAPS reports, liposuction was the most common procedure for men last year. It can be combined with a tummy tuck to remove any excess skin left over, following liposuction.

The Male Face

This area is another place of concern for men, as wrinkles and lines are impossible to hide. The most popular options to get rid of them are Botox® injections and facelifts.

Source: ASAPS

Toronto Plastic Surgeon, Wayne Carman, MD, FRCSC

Dr. Wayne Carman opens up about his thoughts on Canada's medical health system and his own cosmetic surgery clinic.

Name: Dr. Wayne Carman, MD, FRCSC
Clinic: Cosmetic Surgery Institute
Location: Toronto, Canada

That's interesting: Dr. Wayne Carman is Past President of the Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and is the Secretary-treasurer of the Canadian Society for the Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities. Other prestigious positions include membership on both the editorial board of the Aesthetic Surgery Journal and also the Premises Inspection Committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.

Your practice is relatively close to the US border. Do you have patients coming from the US? Is this increasing or decreasing? Do you see this as 'medical tourism'?

In the past, I have had the opportunity to treat many American patients and have enjoyed the opportunity to contribute to their care. More recent restrictions on our professional insurance have curtailed the ability of plastic surgeons to see foreign patients. Those of my colleagues in border cities have sometimes chosen to make individual arrangements to allow treatment of Canadian non-residents, but most plastic surgeons have...

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Dr. Michael J. Brown, Plastic Surgeon In Virginia & Maryland

Dr. Michael Brown's practice includes three offices across Virginia and Maryland.

Name: Michael J. Brown MD
Clinic: The Loudoun Center for Plastic Surgery
Locations: Ashburn & Richmond VA, Bethesda MD

About: Dr. Michael J. Brown has been voted a Top Plastic Surgeon in Virginia and Top Doctors in Virginia by Northern Virginia Magazine and Best Cosmetic Surgeon in Virginia by Virginia Living Magazine in 2012. Dr. Brown has also served on the editorial board of a cosmetic surgery magazine. He is an active committee member for the The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

As a clinic that is primarily focused on plastic surgery but offers nonsurgical treatments, how is your clinic organized?

The Center is organized with 4 components. There is the medical office that's devoted to plastic surgery. The Center has a nurse who is trained and provides assistance with injectable treatments like Botox, Restylane, Juvederm, Dysport

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery By Age & Clinic Type Infographic

Aesthetic breast plastic surgery procedures in the US in 2011.

US cosmetic breast procedures by age and clinic type in 2011.

In looking at this infographic, I'm somewhat surprised that 34% of the procedures are on women over 55. I would have thought that number would be somewhere in the 20% range and the 30-39 year range much higher than 12%.

Dr. Barry L. Eppley, Indianapolis Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Barry Eppley Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Eppley is both a licensed physician and dentist. He's board certified in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery as well as Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

Name: Barry L. Eppley, M.D., D.M.D.
Clinic: Eppley Plastic Surgery
Medical Spa: Ology Spa 
Location: Carmel, IN 

You're using SmartLipo technology. What do you think of SmartLipo's efficacy?

It is important to recognize that Smartlipo, like any technology, is a tool and has no magical properties. It is only as good as the skill and experience of the physician holding it. When used properly and judiciously, my experience has been that it can lead to better outcomes and less bruising. One of Smartlipo's biggest claims to fame has not been particularly useful for me...being able to do most of the procedures under local anesthesia. But this may be reflective that many of my patients are looking for treatment of multiple body areas with bigger volume reductions and it is often combined with other procedures which need to be done under general anesthesia anyways. Its biggest disadvantage is that it is a very costly device and requires extra time to pre-treat the areas before suction evacuation. Thus it requires a motivated user and one who believes that the cost and extra time to do it are worth it to their practice.

How do you evaluate and make your technology comparisons and decisions based on efficacy and cost? 

I view technologies and devices as either comparative or innovative. This means does it offer similar treatments as other technologies or devices on the market (with some claimed minor advantage) or is it the only one that can produce its aethetic effects. Most cosmetic technologies are comparative and thus must be judged primarily from a business perspective on its return on investment. Every technology costs a lot more than the price tag when you factor in labor, disposables (if they exist) and marketing. One must look very carefully at the cosmetic market and have realistic projections about what it can really generate. Very few technologies fall in line with ‘buy it and they will come’. Most sales are driven and do not magically fall off the street and through the door. This understanding allows me to apply a basic capital purchase philosophy... if it can not generate in gross sales what it cost to buy in one year or less, it is not a good business decision.

Innovative technologies, uncommon as they are, are different. Because they have less competition and offer something new, being an early adopter is less of a business risk. When the market cap is undefined, it is sometimes easier to take the risk.

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Michael A. Persky, MD, FACS In Encino, CA

Dr. Persky considers his work to be as much an art form rather as a medical procedure.

Name: Dr. Michael A. Persky
Clinic: Persky Sunder Facial Plastic Surgery
Location: Encino, CA

What IPL or laser technologies are you using? What technologies do you like? Which do you dislike and why?

We have used the complete line of Fraxel lasers since their inception. Initially, many colleagues were skeptical about the results we were seeing, now Fraxel lasers have become the gold standard for laser skin rejuvenation and resurfacing. We do not use IPL in our practice, but feel that our Fraxel Dual laser treats brown spots like “an IPL on steroids”.  We currently are using Ulthera to non-invasively lift and tighten the face, neck, and eyebrows as well as treating fine lines around the mouth and eyes. We find that when combined with Sculptra and other facial fillers, results are quite satisfying for both patient and physician.

Technology companies may tell the physician anything to sell them the item. Physicians must do their “due diligence”, and not believe everything that they are told. Technologies such as Thermage have not lived up to their hype, and others like Zerona are just plain “snake oil”. The latest technology that we are most excited about is Cellulaze, a minimally invasive one time treatment that effectively treats cellulite.

What treatments have you observed to be the most profitable? Have you dropped any treatments?

Surgical treatments are most profitable. Next come non-invasive treatments such as Ulthera, Fraxel, and CoolSculpting. Injectables are profitable as well, including Sculptra, Botox, Dysport, Juvederm, Restylane, and Radiesse. The use of cannulas for injection has revolutionized our use of Radiesse for “quick” facial volumization. We have dropped laser hair removal and radiofrequency skin tightening treatments.

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The Trend In Mini Facelifts - LifeStyle Lift, QuickLift...

Guest post by Aaron Stone MD

Anyone watching television lately has been exposed to a mass marketing blitz by Lifestyle Lift.

The infomercials claim over 150,000 completed surgeries and are filled with satisfied customers who in before vs. after photos look remarkably younger and happier after surgery. In 2012, Grammy®-winning singer, author, and television personality Debby Boone, best known for her 1977 RIAA Platinum-selling #1 hit "Theme from You Light Up My Life," became the spokesperson for the company in its television commercials and its half-hour infomercial; the song is well-represented in both the commercials and in the infomercial.

The ads promise “minor one-hour procedure with major results designed exclusively to improve jowls, frown lines, wrinkles, loose neck, and facial skin” that "requires no dangerous general anesthetic” and you can “return to work quickly compared to a traditional procedure.” They boast locations across the nation – in 42 cities and 22 states. The concept that is conveyed in this marketing is that this procedure is equally effective regardless of the surgeon doing it. Lifestyle lift is the company's name and is also a trademarked brand name used to market the procedure of the same name. Doctors sign up with the company and give a percentage of their fee to the company for performing their advertising. Prospective patients call the company or go to its website and are then referred to a nearby participating surgeon. The procedure itself is performed under local anesthetic and generally costs half the price of a regular facelift. Patients are lured in by the mass marketing, price and use of local anesthetic without general anesthesia (which is presumed to be riskier than local anesthetic). The model is high volume, low cost facelifting.

A regular facelift involves making an incision around the ear lifting or dissecting the skin off the underlying soft tissue in the neck and...

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Italian Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Egidio Riggio's "Zenith System" For Breast Augmentation

Dr. Egidio Riggio focuses on innovation and research related to plastic surgery, both aesthetic and reconstructive. 

Name: Egidio Riggio, M.D.
Location: Milan, Italy

That's interesting: Dr. Egidio Riggio is the creator of an innovative philosophy and aesthetics of an original surgical approach to breast augmentation he calls the "Zenith System" which he claims lead to more natural breast augmentation results. He has performed mor than 100 cases and published this proceedure in the international journal of cosmetic surgery most authoritative, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery August 2012.

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Plastic Surgery & Medical Tourism

Medical tourism just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

In recent years medical tourism has become an option increasingly available to potential plastic and cosmetic surgery patients. These potential patients often imagine that inexpensive, high-quality surgical care can be obtained by traveling to such countries as India, Mexico, Costa-Rica, Thailand, and the Dominican Republic. Add to that the price-conscious “savvyness” of the internet coupon generation, and the options increase exponentially. The guiding principles often celebrated by proponents of medical and cosmetic surgery tourism are the promotion of patient consumerism and, most notably, cost savings.

In the age of global digitalization, outsourcing of various business practices has become commonplace. Beginning with the export of information technology and call center jobs, outsourcing has now extended its reach to include medicine, surgery, and even plastic surgery. Several developments have facilitated this trend. Prohibitive health care costs at home, increasing denials of insurance claims and decreasing provider reimbursement rates, increasing overall demand for plastic surgery, long waiting times, and lastly, and perhaps most importantly, cost savings, have all contributed.

Medical tourism is marketed on the basis that health care can be off-shored much like the production of computers and cell phones or the provision of professional services such as bookkeeping and accounting. Good surgical care, however, involves more than just the technical act of surgery itself. It requires extensive and careful preoperative consultation, deliberate formulation of reasonable treatment plans, and implementation of proper postoperative care. Yet, such goals are unlikely to be achieved when patients fly to a foreign country, undergo surgery, recuperate oftentimes for less than a week, and return home with no plan for follow-up care. Furthermore, with increasing numbers of reports about patients traveling abroad and returning home with serious complications, the merits of “globalizing” health care must be questioned.

All too often I consult with patients who tell me of lamentable stories of “plastic surgery gone wrong” abroad. The informed consent process, a standard component of patient-physician communication in the United States, involving full disclosure of risks and benefits of treatment, risks and benefits of alternative forms of treatment, and consequences of not undergoing treatment, is virtually non-existent. Most of the time, the patient cannot even recall the name of the surgeon, or even identify him/her in person preoperatively. In all of medicine, but especially in elective plastic surgery, in order for choices to be made in a meaningful and appropriate manner, patients need to receive accurate and comprehensive information. Inadequate communication before surgery and the seemingly non-existent culpability lead some patients to have procedures that in health care settings with higher standards would never be deemed as falling within the professional realm of care.

When considering the cost savings purported to be an attractive feature of medical tourism, one must always consider the added costs of revisional surgery and medical care incurred with the potential for adverse outcomes. These costs increase on the whole when one considers the increasing frequency of surgical complications incurred with surgery in health care settings that do not meet the standard of care. Medical travelers often purchase cosmetic surgery packages without physician consultation and without knowledge of the medical implications to their health and well-being. Medical tourism companies and destination health care facilities, often owned and operated by non-physicians, benefit from maximizing profits without the necessary medical knowledge, legal responsibilities, and unfortunately, moral compunctions either.

All in all, elective plastic surgery is a drastic measure to undergo in order to change your appearance. So if you do it, you should have all the support from family and friends that you can get to help you get through it. Being home in a comfortable and familiar environment is also instrumental in proper healing. Going away to a foreign country to get this done just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. And that’s the bottom line.

Dr. Edward Owen Terino, Pioneer Of The "Somme Lift"

Dr. Edward Owen Terino California Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeonDr. Edward Owen Terino shares his visions and innovation with the 'Somme Lift', an upper and midface suspension technique.

Name: Edward Owen Terino, M.D.
Location: Agoura Hills, CA

That's interesting: Dr. Terino is not only world renowned for his accomplishments as a plastic surgery practitioner, but also as an innovator in the specialized new techniques of three-dimensional facial contouring. He is one of the few pioneers to develop the latest upper and midface vertical lifting and suspension technology, which he calls Somme Lift. He also is the designer of natural looking cheek and chin implants which provide solutions for flat cheeks, small jaw lines, and weak facial contours. 

Can you share your career path as a plastic surgeon?

My private practice has always been that of general plastic surgery including reconstructive surgery. During the first 20 years, we took care of the accidents and injuries around the Conejo Valley of California in a radius of 60 miles. I also attracted patients by referral all the way from San Diego, Palms Springs, and North of Santa Barbara.

I embraced the latest medical plastic surgery technologies as they were developed including liposuction, carbon dioxide laser resurfacing, and up-to-date skin care management. Because of my experience at the Fort Sam Houston Burn Unit during the Vietnam conflict, I had

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Steven J. Pearlman MD, FACS, Facial Plastic Surgery In Manhattan

Dr. Steven J. Pearlman is a plastic surgeon practicing in the heart of Manhattan.

Name: Dr. Steven J. Pearlman
Location: New York, NY

That's interesting: Dr. Pearlman is the Founding President of the New York Facial Plastic Surgery Society — a society founded in 1993 to promote advanced education for Facial Plastic Surgeons in the New York Metropolitan area. It provides a forum for accomplished, practicing physicians to exchange ideas, new techniques and procedures on a continuing basis.

How did you end up as a plastic surgeon in Manhattan?

I did my Otolaryngology training at Mount Sinai Medical Center. Our clinical training was heavily weighted in head and neck oncology and facial plastic surgery. Mount Sinai ENT department has been running courses in facial plastic surgery, including rhinoplasty, facelift, blepharoplasty and browlift since

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Dr. An Po Chung, Plastic Surgeon Performing Fat Transfer In Taiwan

Dr. An Po Chung Taiwan Plastic Surgeon

Name: An Po Chung M.D., MSC
Location: Taipei, Taiwan

Dr. An Po Chung is a professional member of Taiwan Surgical Society of Specialist, Taiwan Plastic Surgery Medical Association, Physicians Cosmetic Surgery in Taiwan Medical Association specialist Deputy Secretary-General of facial plastic surgery Medical Association and International Cosmetic Surgery Medical Association.

Can you tell us what is it like practicing cosmetic surgery in Taiwan in comparison with what you see in other countries?

From my experience of attending several international conferences, I noticed that cosmetic surgery in Taiwan is not so different from the other countries. However, the patients in Taiwan prefer minimal invasive cosmetic surgery. Some of them have unrealistic high expectations of non-invasive treatment such as filler and Botox.

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Georgios Hristopoulos MD: Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery In Germany

Georgios Hristopoulos M.D., Specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery in Germany

Cosmetic medical technologies offered in Germany are attracting medical tourists. 

Name: Dr. Georgios Hristopoulos
Clinic: Pantheon Aesthetic Center
Location: Cologne, Germany

That's interesting: Dr. Georgios Hristopoulos is employed as Head of the Department of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of the Beethoven Klinik in Cologne, Germany and at the same time runs his private office, named Pantheon Aesthetic Center. His surgical focus is the Breast Surgery and specifically the complete sub muscular Breast Augmentation (inner Bra) as well as the Dermolipectomies on trunk and extremities.

He speaks German, Greek, English and Spanish. 

How does your surgical practice function? How is it organized? 

I am the Chief of the Department of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery of a small private clinic in Cologne / Germany called Beethoven-Klinik. The clinic is one of the oldest and biggest private Clinics of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery with government concession in the North Rhine Region and maybe in whole Germany. We have an interdisciplinary occupation with Orthopaedists, Trauma-Surgeons and a Dermatologist.

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Marguerite Barnett MD FACS PA - Sarasota Institute Of Plastic Surgery & Mandala Medical Spa In Florida

Marguerite Barnett, M.D., F.A.C.S., P.A. Board Certified Florida Cosmetic SurgeonDr. Barnett has integrated her cosmetic and reconstructive techniques with the wisdom of ancient Eastern healing arts to create a new healing vision.

Name: Dr. Marguerite Barnett
Clinic: Mandala Medical Spa
Location: Sarasota, FL

That's interesting: Dr. Barnett is a double board-certified cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon, licensed in both Hawaii and Florida.

Giving back to the community is an integral part of Dr. Barnett’s philosophy and commitment to health and wellness. She actively participates in local charitable events year-round with the Wellness Community of Southwest Florida; United Cerebral Palsy of Sarasota; and The Women’s Resource Center. One of the most popular ways Dr. Barnett supports charitable events is through her expression of Indonesian and Balinese dance.

Can you give us a picture of how your clinic is organized and runs? 

My clinic for business accounting purposes is split into two sides. The doctor’s practice and the medical spa. The concept was to have the high-tech, scientific “western” doctor’s side balanced by the luxurious ancient rituals of the eastern spa side. Of course there’s an overlap and that’s exactly how I wanted it. If the massage therapist spots a weird mole on their client’s back, the client can run next door to have me look at it. If I encounter a patient who needs skin care for best results, I can shoot herover to the medical aesthetician. Post-op patients benefit from acupuncture to lessen pain and my employees and patients benefit from stress-reducing yoga and meditation. The overall design which has an Asian flavor is comforting and inviting to all. I was nervous at first because it was not the typical doctor’s office but on the day of moving in, I lost my fear completely when one of the movers, a Bronx native judging by his accent, dropped his box and said “Whoa! This place feels healing! You the Doc? What kinda Doc are you?” He got it! 

Hawaii Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Marguerite Barnett

You're double board certified cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon licensed in both Hawaii and Florida. How do the different states that you practice in differ in terms of medical operations? 

Well, I haven’t lived in Hawaii for almost 30 years but what my friends in the state communicate, Hawaii seems to be ahead of Florida in many aspects. They have a much lower rate of uninsured population and a more cohesive public health initiative, important when you’re dealing with an international, multi-cultural population with extreme disparities in wealth and education.

Florida has these issues as well but we’re not handling them as well as Hawaii. Maybe the fact that Hawaii consists of several small islands sharpens the sense that these issues must be addressed or the lifeboat will sink. It’s harder to ignore these problems on an island. Also they do not have a governor that turns down billions of dollars in federal aid.

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Dr. Sufan Wu, Plastic Surgeon In China

Chinese Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon Sufan Wu, M.D., Ph.DPlastic surgery is gaining momentum in China, but in different ways than in the West.

Name: Sufan Wu, M.D., Ph.D
Location: Zhejiang, China

Dr. Sufan Wu is the Chief of Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital, China. Chairman of the Association of Plastic Surgery of Zhejiang Province. Committee members of Chinese national Association of Plastic Surgery, Association of Aesthetic Medicine. Active member and faculty member of ISAPS.

Can you tell us what is it like practicing cosmetic surgery in China in comparison with what you see in other countries?

Compared with the other countries – the US and Europe in particular – cosmetic medicine in China has the following differences:

1. The history of cosmetic surgery in China is

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